Monday, October 5, 2009

Playing Catch Up...

So I just realized that I have been slacking on posting our latest happenings, so here it goes...

For Makenna's pre-school we do a neighborhood/joy school where we have a group of 7 kids and we each take a turn having pre-school at our house. We also do field trips every month. Our first field trip was to Kneaders. They gave us a tour around the bakery, showing all thier giant mixers and ovens. We even got to go inside the walk in fridge and freezer which the kids thought was pretty cool. After our tour each kid got a cookie to frost!

Here is Makenna and her friend Haylee frosting their cookies.

Makenna's delicous cookie!

Makenna's first airplane ride!!

A few weeks ago we had a girls trip to Denver. Me, Makenna, my Mom, sister, aunt, cousin and her baby, and grandma all went to stay with my aunt who lives there. This was Makenna's very first time on an airplane and she was sooooo excited. She was all smiles the whole way and kept waving out the window saying, "I'm waving at daddy!" Anyway we had a fun time for a few days just visiting, shopping, and jewelry making!!
I'm so sad this picture turned out so dark, but this is Makenna on the airplane. She insisted on having the window seat.

Makenna reading me the emergency information they have in the airplane.

Me, my cousin, and sister. (Nice smile Alise) :)

Here is almost all of us.

So yesterday I thought I would try straightening Makenna's hair just for fun. Well, it didn't turn out very well and me and Dallin had a good laugh. At least her hair looks cute curly!!


chery said...

This is soooooo funny!I had to laugh too!!!! and I can actually sympathize! that Ballard curse. Though I must say you girls look beautiful with curly hair!!! truly

Michele Michaels said...

Looks like you have had fun during your "disappearance".
Those first plane rides are so fun, it is great to see the joy in the little kidlets faces.
Her hair, well umm...she is so cute with curly hair, we'll just leave it at that!

Becky R. said...

love her hair!

Brianne said...

Okay Trisha,

I just laughed for at least five minutes straight about Makenna's hair (no offense). It could be that it is 4 a.m. too and I'm at work. I can't believe it turned out like that!!! I vote for the curls!